Our 2021 & 2022 Official Podcast Sponsor for The Beautiful Dying Expo

Jane Asher takes you on a soulful journey to explore and embrace the bigger picture surrounding life on earth…and what follows. She speaks with authors, friends, transition specialists and other experts about death, dying, grieving, beliefs and cultural traditions surrounding this journey we all must ultimately take. So, what is next, after life on this plane? Jane is curious, and will connect with others that wish to dive deeper into our beliefs about the next chapter.
The Next Room will be broadcasting live from our Main Stage all three days of the Expo!
Episodes Featuring Beautiful Dying Expo Connections:
The Next Room with Jane Asher
Jane is riding solo this week as she welcomes her brand new book, The Next Room! Join her as she describes her trek through radio, to podcasting to now…writing. Jane strips it down and shares a very personal sojourn on what The Next Room is all about, and the process of writing this mystical book. So, how exactly does a radio woman transfer her communication passion from talking to writing? Jane is eager to explain. Join her as she goes it alone this week on her podcast and talks intimately about her new book The Next Room!
The Grave Woman with Joél Simone Anthony
Recently while Jane attended a zoom call to discuss the next phase of The Beautiful Dying Expo, she met Joel. Jane was fascinated to find out that Joel Simone Anthony is a funeral director and grief practitioner, out of Atlanta Georgia. She knew immediately when she heard Joel speak of her passion for the death and dying industry that The Grave Woman had to come on the Next Room. Join Jane and Joel as they discuss death as a sacred and transformative part of our journey as human beings and what Joel feels is in The Next Room. Joel is a strong advocate and global educator and speaks from her heart about the continuing growth of her industry. Tune in to hear the Grave Woman connect on the Next Room with Jane!
Becoming the Greatest Expression of You with Roger Moore
Can we create our future to be greater than our past? The Next Room guest this week thinks so. Join Jane as she interviews Roger Moore, a Professional Medical Hypnosis Expert about how his work assists individuals with auto immune diseases, cancer, dementia, chronic pain, weight-loss, end-of-life, stress and anxiety. His new book, “Becoming the Greatest Expression of You” is about firing and wiring new neural pathways, so you can be your best self. Tune in to hear this fascinating expert explain how we can write a whole new story that includes loving yourself first. It’s all about becoming the greatest expression of you, this week, on The Next Room!
Long Term Care with Dr. Karl Steinberg
Jane met the brilliant and compassionate Karl Steinberg through The Beautiful Dying Expo. Karl was drawn to work with elders throughout the majority of his career. In this show Jane and Karl discuss the new surge of Covid 19 with the Delta variant and how it’s affecting the population in hospice facilities and nursing homes. Jane also asks Karl what he feels about individuals that say that the virus is not real. This show is packed full of big issues and tender moments of care. Join Jane and Dr. Karl for discussion on long term care on The Next Room.
Michele Weiss-Little learned a lesson no one should ever have to learn. Without warning, her brother FDNY Firefighter, David M Weiss, Rescue 1, while rescuing thousands of people from the North Tower of the World Trade Center on that horrific day, September 11, 2001, disappeared without a trace. Gone. Nothing was said or prepared for.Now, her grief has become her mission; to inspire individuals to speak out and plan for their final exit with respect and deep compassion. This is the reason her passion project was born ― the Beautiful Dying Expo ―now, in the 2nd year of the expo, 2020, named The Year of Reflection, has pivoted the way we share information to a virtual experience giving us this moment to reflect, allowing ourselves the time to navigate through life’s journey and granting ourselves the permission to move “The Conversation” to a plan of action with love, connection and celebration VIRTUALLY, together, with a new term, Proframily (professional, friends and family).
Symbolic Language with Wilka Roig
The Advisory Board of the Beautiful Dying Expo has connected Jane with extraordinary new guests for The Next Room. Wilka Roig has an enormous background in the death community. She has a wealth of information on mutiple areas, including, Dream Work, Death Cafes, Death Doula work and Transpersonal Psychology. After years of study, she feels that she knows for certain that when our loved ones cross over they can indeed communicate with us. Join Jane and Wilka for an inspired show involving symbolic language and deep consciousness this week, on The Next Room!
Jane met Brother Ben Janzen through serving on the Beautiful Dying Expo advisory board After reading Ben’s bio, Jane new she had to find out how Star Trek had a hand in bringing Ben from his native Germany to the United States. It’s a show packed full of theology, philosophy with a focus on immortality and science fiction, this week on The Next Room!
Grief Dialogue with Elizabeth Coplan
Jane connected with another elevated soul through The Beautiful Dying Expo, playwright Elizabeth Coplan. Jane discovered that Elizabeth started writing plays to process her own grief after suffering her own significant losses. She discovered from those who saw her plays that they too had their own death and grief stories to share. Join Jane and Elizabeth as they get knee deep into grief in an alarmingly beautiful way. The two discuss why we fear death, powerful and easy tools to help those grieving and Jane will find out what Elizabeth feels is in The Next Room. It’s a grief dialogue you won’t want to miss, this week, on The Next Room!
Beautiful Dying Expo Updates with Michele Little
Jane invited the creator of The Beautiful Dying Expo, Michele Little to come on the show and discuss the upcoming third year of the BDE which takes place November 12th-14th, 2021. There will be six main tracks during the expo. During this show you will hear about Financial information to assist you surrounding death, Advance Care Planning, End of Life Care, After Death Practices, Holistic information and Grief Support. Jane finds out that being involved in the death and dying community is Michele’s call to service. In Michele’s words, she feels that she is here to serve the World and to share her gifts through The Beautiful Dying Expo.
Drawing Out Feelings with Marge Heegaard
Another remarkable connection and introduction was made through Michele Little of the Beautiful Dying Expo. Michele introduced Jane to Marge Heegaard. Marge has been a beacon of hope and education surrounding grief over the past thirty years. Marge has authored 20 books from When Someone Very Special Dies to Grief: A Natural Reaction to Loss. Marge’s journey with grief began after becoming a widow at a very young age. She became a certified Grief Counselor as well as an author and publisher. Find out what Marge believes is next, after this life experience on The Next Room!
The Right to Die with Kevin Bradley
It was another stimulating connection made through the Beautiful Dying Expo. Join Jane this week as she speaks with Kevin Bradley. Kevin is an accomplished man who testified at the Minnesota State Senate in favor of the Right to Die Bill. He is a spiritual counselor and writes for the “A Good Death Society Blog” through The Final Exit Network. Kevin has an inspired view of our existence and what he feels in is the next room. In this show we cover thoughts on free will, God, dogma, and what he knows in his heart happens when we cross. As he so succinctly stated, “We all came from somewhere and we will all go back to somewhere.” Find out where, this week, on The Next Room!
The Soul Catalyst with Verna Fisher
It was another magical connection when Jane met Verna Fisher at the Beautiful Dying Expo Verna feels that many people walk through their day to day life asleep. After doing social work through hospice she knows that we are never guaranteed a day on this planet. When asked about the pandemic and what she learned from it, her answer will give you pause and her thoughts on what’s next, in The Next Room is vast and deep. It’s Integrative Wisdom and the Soul Catalyst with Verna Fisher on The Next Room!
Just Show Up with Yvonne Heath
Jane popped into Yvonne’s booth at the Beautiful Dying Expo and new immediately that she had to have Yvonne on the show. Yvonne knows that you don’t get over grief, you build your life around it. A registered nurse most of her adult life, she was kidnapped by passion and purpose which lead her to start the “I Just Showed Up” movement. Her Tedx Talk: Transforming Our Grief by Just Showing Up will inspire you to start showing up for yourself and your friends in their grief. Just Show Up with Yvonne and Jane on The Next Room!
A Good Death on the Next Room with Gary Wederspahn
Jane met Gary Wederspahn at the Beautiful Dying Expo and was immediately drawn to his cultural knowledge over death customs. Tune in to hear Gary’s intriguing adventures in other countries like Bali, Guatemala and the Philippines. One story in particular will make you laugh involving a grandfather, a chicken and a deep spiritual side. It’s a lively conversation about the end of life and what makes a good death on the Next Room!
The Final Exit with Robert Rivas
Jane is honored to have on the attorney for The Final Exit Network, Robert Rivas. Robert has dedicated his life to advocacy in the movement for right to death with dignity. Robert is the author of the SADD, which stands for Supplemental Advance Directive for Dementia Care. Robert Rivas’ legal advocacy in this movement dates back to the mid-‘90s. This show will make you think about what’s important if you should ever need this type of assistance. It’s a show about The Final Exit on the Next Room.
Unfathomable Loss with Beth Savage
Jane met Beth in the Grief Sanctuary Room at the Beautiful Dying Expo this past November. They started talking about what brought Beth to the Expo and the story that unfolded was one of unimaginable grief. Beth lost five family members in one year, including her son’s suicide just before his 17th birthday. This stunningly brave woman shares her entire journey about her son’s death and then losing her mother to cancer just a short three months while later. Her path will inspire you to work with your grief to help others grow and understand how precious each moment on this planet really is. Join Jane and Beth for unfathomable loss on the next room.
It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Bret Johnson
Jane recently had a booth at the virtual Beautiful Dying Expo and asked several of her favorite people from past shows to join her in a conversation surrounding death. Each guest has a unique perspective and story about why and how they got involved with the death and dying industry. It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview Bret Johnson, author of Heavenland, and Jane Asher this week on The Next Room!
It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Pam Oslie
Jane recently had a booth at the virtual Beautiful Dying Expo and asked several of her favorite people from past shows to join her in a conversation surrounding death. Each guest has a unique perspective and story about why and how they got involved with the death and dying industry. It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Pam Oslie and Jane Asher this week on The Next Room! Pam is the Founder of www.AuraColors.com a site designed to help you create success, joy and fulfillment in EVERY area of your life.
It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Barbara Bartolome
Jane recently had a booth at the virtual Beautiful Dying Expo and asked several of her favorite people from past shows to join her in a conversation surrounding death. Each guest has a unique perspective and story about why and how they got involved with the death and dying industry. It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Pam Barbara Bartolome, Founder and Group Leder of IANDS Santa Barbara and Jane Asher this week on The Next Room!
It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Jesse Brisendine
Jane recently had a booth at the virtual Beautiful Dying Expo and asked several of her favorite people from past shows to join her in a conversation surrounding death. Each guest has a unique perspective and story about why and how they got involved with the death and dying industry. It’s a Beautiful Dying Interview with Jesse Brisendine and Jane Asher this week on The Next Room! Jesse Brisendine, the creator of “Zero Limits Coaching,” is a world renowned expert who works with individuals and organizations to move beyond their limitations & unlock their greatness.
Christy Marie was blessed to be raised in a family that accepted death as a normal part of life and never shied away from talking about their loved ones after they had passed. She remembers large family gatherings after the funerals of loved ones and the feelings of love, grief, sadness and even joy in the sharing of memories and stories. Her life has been unconventional, intense and deeply magical. Even in the darkest moments she can always find the light and have a laugh.Christy’s most recent adventure has been answering the call by the Morrigan to work as a death doula and end-of-life specialist. This path has led her to return to school to complete a degree in Humanities & Social Services, dive into Shadow Work, and explore hidden archetypes. She also works with extraordinary industry leaders to help co-produce the Beautiful Dying Expo.